C 怒练一发尾递归 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define NULL ((void *)0) struct node { char data; struct node* next; }; struct node* read() { char c; struct node *tail = NULL, *node; struct node *list = NULL; for (;;) { c = getchar(); if (c == '\n') break; node
C 计算机是蛋疼人类的好朋友系列( 实验室有个玩具,不知道是谁手欠买来的。是这样的一个东西: 据说它原来是个3x3x3的正方体,不知道又是谁手欠给展开了。 由于智商很宝贵的原因,我拿手里摆弄了好几天都没给它恢复成一个正方体。 怒,写个搜索算法。 #include <stdio.h> #define sbyte signed char // sbyte: (-128 to +127) #define SIZE 3 // Size of cube. #define AREA (SIZE * SIZE) // Area of a face of cube. #define VOLUME (SIZE * SIZE * SIZE) // Volume
C Maximum numbers #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { signed char sc; unsigned char uc; short signed int ss; short unsigned int us; signed int si; unsigned int ui; long signed int sl; long unsigned int ul; long long signed int sll;
C 那道腾讯的笔试题的菜鸟解法 int a=3,b=5; printf(&a["Hi!Hello"],&b["fun/super"]); printf("%c%c%c%c",1["wst"],2["www"],0["ddd"],5["ewewrew"]); 问:输出什么? 公共主页的做法是反汇编,
C 猥琐题求答案。。。 A program that copies exactly what user had entered immediately. NOTE: The shorter the program is the higher score you obtained. #include <stdio.h> main(){while(putchar(getchar()));}